9 foods that may make your face look old

9 foods that may make your face look old

Young Age But Face Looks Old, 9 Foods May Be the Cause

When we grow up, each of us will naturally take care of our appearance as best as possible, whether to meet the beauty standard in society or for our own satisfaction.

Sometimes there are also some people who are seen as more mature than their age, causing confusion.

Maybe someone has experienced it, even though they are only in their 20s but they are considered old when they look at their faces. It's really painful to face, especially when you have to be reprimanded in front of people. Either way, the face looks old maybe because the skin is dull, not radiant and various other problems.

However, did you know that diet is also one of the causes of the face looking old from age? There are 9 foods that may be the cause of skin that looks older than age.

1. Sweet, sugary

As is known, frequent consumption of sweet and sugary foods can affect health if it is not well controlled. Worse, it can also cause you to look older than your actual age with the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Therefore, you need to limit sweet and sugary foods such as donuts covered in cream, cakes and sweets.

2. Alcohol

For the uninitiated, drinking alcohol in excess can accelerate the aging process.

Not only that, it is also very dangerous to the liver because its toxins can cause various wrinkle problems, as well as reduce skin elasticity.

3. Salt

Don't be unaware that foods that contain high amounts of salt are foods that cause the face to look old. Chips, potatoes and canned food are examples of foods high in sodium.

Salt will retain water and the effect can be seen in puffy eyes.

4. Burning Effect

There is no denying that many of us like to eat baked or grilled dishes. However, you need to avoid eating parts that have black spots that are burnt.

Also called charred or black char, it contains pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons that can cause collagen in the skin to be damaged.

5. Processed Meat

Meanwhile, regularly eating processed foods will also cause a person's face to look older.

This includes foods such as sausage, bacon or burger meat that have a lot of sulfites (sulfides) and other preservatives that can trigger inflammation in the skin and accelerate aging.

6. Red Meat

As we know, we need collagen to get younger, healthier and more elastic skin.

Therefore, eating red meat such as beef in excess can actually hinder the process of collagen production in the body.

7. Fried Food

Many people really like it, fried food such as potatoes and fried chicken is indeed one of the main causes of facial aging problems.

Any food fried in oil can increase inflammation throughout the body including the skin.

8. Spicy Food

Some may think that spicy food is good for health but you have to know that it can also make you look older than your age. Especially for women who are experiencing menopause.

More worryingly, individuals suffering from rosacea, which is a condition that causes red skin, will be more at risk when eating spicy foods. This is because it will worsen the condition of a person's skin.

9. Caffeine

Not only that, caffeinated drinks are also one of the causes because they are diuretic. It rejects or removes water from the body which can cause dehydration and reduce body moisture.

That condition can cause damage to the skin and make you look older.

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how snakes drink water

It's like using a tongue, apparently this is how snakes drink water

Reptiles as we know, they are cold-blooded animals. Reptiles also have special characteristics such as scales and reproduction by laying eggs.

Reptile animals such as snakes are among the batik python type reptiles.

Nevertheless, although it is common for many of us to encounter these animals, but did you know that snakes have a unique way of drinking water.

A source has shared a video about how snakes drink water.

Based on the sharing of the video, a python species is seen quenching its thirst by drinking water from a plastic cup.

What attracts attention is, how the snake drinks the water. The snake was seen putting its head into a plastic cup and the amount of water in the cup suddenly decreased.

Through the caption of the upload, it states that the snake drinks the water in the cup by sucking it like using a drinking straw.

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six cosmetic products contain scheduled poisons

six cosmetic products contain scheduled poisons

The National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA), Ministry of Health (KKM) Malaysia has canceled the notification of six cosmetic products because they were found to contain scheduled poisons.

The products in question are Flashhskinzz Moist Sunscreen, Serene Treatment Cream, Tempias Hawa Master Recovery Skin Rskin and Karisma Preventing Day Cream, which each contain mercury.

In addition, two other cosmetic products involved are SL Two Turmeric which contains mercury and Betamethasone 17-Valerate and SL Two Bird's Nest (Hydroquinone, Tretinoin and Betamethasone 17-Valerate).

Mercury is prohibited in cosmetic products because it can be harmful to health, causing damage to the kidneys and nervous system and can interfere with the brain development of young children or fetuses.

For products containing hydroquinone, tretinoin and betamethasone 17-valerate, the product is a drug that must be registered with the Drug Control Authority and should only be used with the advice of a health professional.

The use of products containing these ingredients without the supervision of a health professional can cause unwanted side effects.

Hydroquinone can cause redness on the applied skin, discomfort, unwanted skin color changes, the skin becomes hypersensitive, can inhibit the pigmentation process (depigmentation) which reduces the skin's protection from harmful ultra violet rays (UV) and can increase the risk of skin cancer.

In addition, unsupervised use of tretinoin can cause redness, discomfort, soreness, peeling, and hypersensitivity to the applied skin.

Betamethasone 17-valerate can cause the part of the facial skin that is applied to become thin and prone to irritation, acne, changes in skin pigmentation and increase the risk of being absorbed into the blood circulation system which can have harmful effects.

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eye floaters and their causes

eye floaters and their causes

Seem to Move in the Eyes, Know What "Eye Floaters" Are & Their Causes

Every human being has been gifted with a perfect mind and body. For example, every part of the body allows humans to live a normal daily life.

It functions and plays an important role for example the five senses which are the ability to smell, touch, hear, feel and including seeing.

As is well known, the eyes can give us an image to see the beauty of the Creator's creation. Without it, the world is like lost light (blind).

However, it is also susceptible to disease or infection over time. Therefore, it needs to be taken good care of because there is no substitute.

Among the problems we often hear about the eyes are myopia, squint, glare and so on. However, have you ever heard of Eye Floaters?

Eye Floaters occurs when the eyes often have black spots or small shadows appear especially after looking at the sky.

It is also likely to occur when your eyes look at something bright or a plain colored background. For example a white wall.

The shape can be seen randomly either spotted, striped or shaped like a spider's web.

For those who are still wondering what Eye Floaters are and why they happen, let's follow Optometrist @AmiraRaup's sharing on Twitter.

What are Eye Floaters?

Do you experience this kind of situation?

First, you see shapes that look like black or gray dots, spider webs, jagged lines, or threads. Second, the shape disappears when you try to view it directly.

Fourth, you can usually see floaters more clearly when looking at a blank or bright surface, such as a blank wall.

Causes of Eye Floater

Among the causes of Eye Floater include aging, diabetes, torn retina, eye inflammation, bleeding in the eye, or trauma and injury to the eye.

Floaters are an early sign of some types of chronic eye diseases such as retinal tears or eye inflammation. If you feel the presence of floaters is increasingly disturbing the vision.

Get an initial screening from any optom practice or ophthalmologist clinic.

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reduce 15minutes of social media perday can improve health levels

reduce 15minutes of social media perday can improve health levels

This way it is able to improve the immune system and can reduce loneliness and avoid depression.

Studies have been done and it has been found that people who reduce their use of social media are healthier. They were found to have better sleep, no colds and less stress.

The body's immune system and sleep quality increase

There was a 15% increase in the body's immune function, a 50% increase in sleep quality and a 30% reduction in depressive symptoms.

While people who did not reduce their use of social media did not show any change.

Meanwhile, people who were asked to make no changes spent longer on their social media, up by 10 minutes.

More surprisingly people who were asked to do nothing but social media increased their use by 25 minutes a day.

Although previous studies have noted a correlation between a reduction in social media use and an increase in psychological well-being.

Thus, this new report is important because it shows an experimentally controlled relationship. The relationship between cause and effect in reduced social media use and better physical health.

This data shows that when people limit their social media use, their lives improve in many ways.

It includes benefits for physical health and psychological well-being.

It remains to be determined whether the relationship between social media use and health factors is direct or whether it is simply a change in well-being variables, such as depression or other factors.

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bug repellant is not for cockroaches

bug repellant is not for cockroaches

Cockroaches are often a weapon for amateurs to deal with the threat of cockroaches in the house. Available in a variety of options, shapes and colors, bug repellant is believed to be effective in warding off these uninvited guests.

With its very strong smell, bed bug medicine is usually placed in a hidden space or crevice, for example in a closet, cabinet or under the bed.

It is also an option, again 'amateur', as a 'perfumer' to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom or toilet.

But, does the flea medicine work to get rid of cockroaches? Is its effectiveness proven or do we just buy it because many people say it works? One more thing, what does a moth mean?

So if it's not for cockroaches, what kind of insect is the bedbug medicine for?

As its name suggests, this type of poison is suitable for insects called Gegat. Ever heard of an insect called gegat?

Gegat or his other name is Silverfish or bookworm. Most people often mistake this insect for a centipede.

Maybe some have never seen this insect, but in fact there are many of them in our home area. It can be said that the number is the same as cockroaches.

This insect is a pest in the Crawling Insect Pest category. Although this insect is not poisonous, but it can damage many things that are close to our house.

Bedbugs like to live in humid and cool areas. Not only that, it can eat various materials such as fabric, wood, wallpaper, food waste and so on.

One of the most common places where these insects are found is in old books. This insect is said to like the glue part of the paper and frozen part the most.

Furthermore, this silverfish is reported to move fast and is good at sneaking, just like a spy. These small insects are difficult to defeat, if we only use aerosol sprayers like the usual method.

Pesticides are not 'cures' for cockroaches

This medicine is made from Dchlorobenzina or Naphthalene (Naphtalene, C10H8). Both types of these materials are types of fuel.

The smell produced from this moth medicine is actually a gas that is the result of the sublimation process of this substance.

This material will carry out the sublimation process and the gas from the process will be spread throughout the nearby area.

Usually, this moth or silverfish will be affected by this gas, even if this insect hides near the folds of clothes or paper in storage.

In addition to moths, this medicine also has an effect on several other insects such as butterflies and houseflies. No wonder, if this moth medicine is called 'mothball' among English speakers.

The effect of flea medicine on cockroaches?

In fact, the gas from this insecticide does not have a significant effect on cockroaches. This is because this insect that humans hate the most has immunity to poison. That's why, cockroaches can just eat this medicine.

If you don't believe it, try putting this medicine on. Look at the number of cockroaches.

The use of this medicine is actually not very good for our health. Especially for people with G6PD disease.

His effect on food is quite strong. That's why when we put flea medicine near food storage, the food will have a slight taste and smell of flea medicine.

Not only that, this annoying animal also 'bequeaths' that resistance to its children.

It may be, this may also be a reason that can support the claims of some who have seen cockroaches eat medicine without any problems.

Drug users are not good for human health

The use of this medicine is actually not very good for our health. Especially, for those suffering from G6PD (Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) disease.

This substance can cause excessive hemolysis experienced by the baby. However, babies with G6PD disease will experience more severe haemolytic anemia.

Hemolysis can occur in these babies even just by dressing them in clothes kept in a drawer containing bug repellants.

Therefore, as a preventive measure, parents are advised to avoid using mosquito repellent if there are babies under 3 years old at home.

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dry gel fragrance used as a toilet fragrance

dry gel fragrance used as a toilet fragrance

There are many room or space fragrances offered in the market. One of the popular choices is gel-based perfume. If you are also a fan of gel-based perfumes, the content of this article may be useful for you.

On average, these gel-based fragrances usually last less than a month, if left open the entire time.

This condition is also affected by the humidity and temperature of your room. In addition, the location factor also plays an important role in ensuring that this fragrance can last a long time or not.

If placed in a high and windy place, it tends not to last long.

Harmful isn't it? If you want to switch to a spray-type room fragrance, it's not to your taste. So, always have to buy new.

Usually, when it runs out, the rest of this fragrance gel will just be thrown away. But do you know, actually the waste is still useful?

Don't throw it away, tips on using dried gel perfume

You can actually still give a second chance for the perfume to continue 'serving' in your home.

Here are the ways:

1. Collect all the dried gel fragrances

You can collect all dried gel perfumes in one place. Make sure all the gel perfumes are of the same type of fragrance to avoid mixing aromas that can make us dizzy.

2. Cut into small pieces

After collecting the dried gel perfume, you need to cut the dry gel pieces using sharp tools such as scissors or a knife.

The size of the pieces depends on your taste. If you want a strong aroma, you can cut it into small dice so that the fragrance will spread quickly in your room.

3. Place a piece of dry gel in a glass/container

After cutting the dry gel, you need to place it in a container before filling it with water. You can arrange the pieces and use decorative glasses to increase the aesthetic value.

4. Place the water in a container filled with dry gel

Finally, you need to pour water in the glass. After doing so, the gel will again release the fragrance.

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The right way to take care of a vehicle's aircond compressor

The right way to take care of a vehicle's aircond compressor

There is no doubt that the weather in the world is not running hot right now. In addition, if we have important things that require us to bask in the sun's rays. It certainly makes us think twice.

Moreover, if our vehicle's air conditioner is not cool or damaged. Of course, it can make us lose the mood to leave the house comfortably.

However, have you ever thought that the vehicle's air conditioner compressor may break down quickly because of the way we use it?

Correct use measures can ensure the life of the car air conditioner lasts longer.

How to Use Aircond Compressor Correctly

Everyone must turn on the air conditioner after starting the car engine. Moreover, the weather outside is very hot.

However, in fact, there are still many people who do not know how to use the air conditioner compressor correctly. Because of that, it easily spoils or cannot keep cool in hot weather.

When getting into the car, do not open the air conditioner. Instead, what you need to do is first by lowering the window glass of the vehicle or car.

Then, open the aircond on level one (level 1) and press the (off) A/C button and use the air from outside the car (air symbol from outside the car).

After the vehicle's engine has warmed up, use the air conditioner at the next (second) level. Press the A/C button to turn it on and change the symbol from outside air to inside air.

If they want cooler air, then they can change the speed of the air conditioner and the maximum cooling level after the car has been running for a long time.

With this, your vehicle's air conditioner will last for a longer period of time.

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6 Benefits of Lemon Fruit

6 Benefits of Lemon Fruit

Surely some people love sour flavored water, right? One of them is lemon or lime juice. Both have their own merits.

But, it's rich in vitamin C when it's taken on its own, meaning you drink lemon water without adding anything like sugar or the like.

There is no doubt that it provides many good benefits for our health, for example those who want to lose weight.

Just practice drinking this drink twice a day, surely you will be able to see changes in yourself. But, you need to practice it consistently, it's not drinking today, tomorrow you can see the change in your body.

Many people already know the benefits of lemon water if practiced every day.

Although there are no specific studies on the benefits of lemon water, there is a lot of evidence that shows that consuming lemons and plain water has many benefits.

For example, lemons are rich in vitamin C. Drinking plain water can help your digestive system.

The practice of drinking lemon water is a simple habit that is often the fruit of the mouth of individuals who want to lose weight.

No less, many people say that the benefits of lemon water can make our skin glow!

1. The benefits of lemon water are rich in vitamin C

That's right, lemons are indeed rich in vitamin C, but that's not all!

This fruit also contains vitamin A, beta-carotene, folate, calcium and potassium which are good for your body.

Vitamin C is a type of antioxidant that can help the body fight disease.

In addition, vitamin C is also proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and also help the recovery of cells in the body.

2. The practice of drinking lemon water is good for the skin

Our body needs vitamin C to make collagen, a type of protein that is good for the skin.

Collagen can slow down the signs of aging such as reducing wrinkles on the surface of the face.

Water is important to keep the body hydrated. If we drink enough water, the skin will be more moist and healthy. Intake of less water will make the face dry and lethargic.

3. Help you stay hydrated

You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. For starters, try drinking warm lemon water when you first wake up.

This practice can make you feel more refreshed and energetic in the morning. This positive feeling can also help make your mood better.

4. Help lose weight 

As many people know, plain water has 0 calories. If you add lemon juice to the drink, you will only add 6 calories.

That's why lemon juice is the choice of individuals who are on a diet!

The practice of drinking lemon water when dieting can reduce the taste for sugary drinks. This is one way to add flavor to water without consuming more calories.

In addition, this practice also makes you feel full for longer. Therefore, you will eat less and eventually you will experience weight loss.

5. Benefits of lemon water help your digestive system

The benefits of lemon water contain acids that can help your digestive system.

For example, older people will have a weaker stomach acid content than usual. Drinking lemon water may help the body to break down food more perfectly.

Lemons also contain a type of fiber called pectin. Pectin is a type of prebiotic that can help for better gut health.

However, if you want to feel the benefits of pectin, you are advised to drink lemon water with the pulp once.

6. Reduce the risk of kidney stones

Surely many people already know that kidney stone patients need to drink a lot of water to avoid the formation of kidney stones from recurring.

Therefore, the practice of drinking enough water can help you to fight kidney stone disease which is often caused by dehydration.

In addition, the citric acid contained in lemons can also reduce the risk of kidney stones. It is able to prevent the formation of most types of kidney stones that are often formed from calcium oxalate.

Bonus: How to drink lemon water properly

If you want to practice drinking lemon water, don't just take a slice of lemon and put it in water. That's wrong!

First of all, you need a glass of warm water. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze one side of the lemon into the water.

You can also add a little honey or mint leaves as additional seasoning.

In addition, you can also save the lemon peel and use the grate as an ingredient in your cooking or cake!

If you only use a slice of lemon in your water, the true benefits of lemon water will not be fully appreciated.

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Which is better to take a hot or cold shower

Which is better to take a hot or cold shower?

It is true that everyone has their own desires and wishes, for example from aspects of goods, food, personal hygiene and so on.

Everything has to comply with the principle of each individual himself, it's his life so let him decide how he wants to live his life.

So, looking at the aspect of personal hygiene, there is no doubt that there are a few people who tend to shower with cold water and some even like to shower with hot water.

What is the difference between using hot or cold water when bathing? Don't you think that both give their own advantages or disadvantages?

What are the benefits of taking a cold shower?

The use of cold water when bathing can improve the blood flow of an individual.

In addition, cold water is also able to lower cortisol levels, which refers to a type of hormone released by the body in response to stress.

Not only that, the benefits of bathing with cold water can also reduce pain. Exposure to cold water can trigger an automatic pain response called stress-induced analgesia (SIA).

Disadvantages of taking a cold shower

If there is good, there must also be bad, due to bathing with cold water then an individual will take a long time to warm his body.

This will only happen if the environment experienced is also cold.

People who are sick should be reminded that you are not encouraged to take a cold shower because the immune system of the individual body when sick is not suitable when in a cold state.

Benefits of hot water bath

Hot water baths can improve cardiovascular health.

It helps improve blood flow for individuals with chronic heart failure.

Hot water is also able to improve the health of muscles and joints in addition to guaranteeing the quality of a person's sleep.

How is the quality of your sleep guaranteed? It occurs as a result of a combination of how the body relaxes during the bath and the drop in body temperature after the bath.

So, the result is a body that is in a controlled state, which makes it easier for you to enjoy a long sleep again, take a bath before going to bed at night.

Not only that, the use of hot water while bathing also provides relief from respiratory and flu symptoms.

This is because the hot temperature from the bath water and also the steam can help with things like opening the airways, making it easier for phlegm to come out and clearing your nasal passages.

Lastly, it can improve brain health. Looking at the results of the study, individuals who bathe in hot water have higher levels of BDNF than individuals who bathe in cold water.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF is a type of protein that has many important functions in the brain and spinal cord.

Disadvantages of hot baths

Hot water can cause the skin to dry out and cause irritation. This is because the higher temperature makes the skin dry easily.

In fact, it will be more dangerous for those who suffer from eczema.

In addition, it can also cause itching. Hot temperatures can cause mast cells (which contain histamine) to release their contents on the skin and cause itching.

Not only that, the use of hot water also contributes to an increase in high blood pressure.

If you want to take a hot shower, make sure you are free from some of the lists outlined above. Prioritize your health over your willpower.

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Develop plastic container products based on cassava banana leaves

Develop plastic container products based on cassava banana leaves

A group of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (FTKMP) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering succeeded in developing an innovative plastic container product based on cassava and banana leaves.

Its Chief Researcher who is also a FTKMP Senior Lecturer Dr Ridhwan Jumaidin said the tray-shaped plastic container can be used for product packaging in addition to being environmentally friendly and reducing the implications of environmental pollution.

The innovation product development project took about a year through short-term research grant funds and it is expected to be the main ingredient in the production of single-use products that can reduce environmental pollution.

This plastic product is free of toxic and harmful chemicals when compared to the common plastic that is often used at the moment because the basic material of its production is petroleum thus producing toxic when disposed of through burning.

This synthetic plastic from petroleum cannot be disposed of if thrown into the ground, river or sea, while plastic based on cassava and banana leaves can be disposed of in only eight weeks if planted in the ground

The innovative product is also thermoplastic, which means it can be recycled and produce different product shapes, thus saving the resources used and adding value to it.

The initial idea of developing the innovation product was sparked when he realized the reality of the current environmental situation which is becoming more and more polluted due to the disposal of plastic waste that does not dissolve, especially in rivers, seas and land.

The situation endangers the balance of nature, flora and fauna, such as the case of finding plastic in the stomachs of turtles and whales, and even that material is the main cause of death of the animals in question.

The main challenge of producing the innovative product is to obtain the stability and strength of the material and the banana leaf which is the core and reinforcing structure.

UTeM through its research group continues to creatively develop innovative products that have an impact on the global community.

The research carried out always follows current trends and UTeM is always at the forefront of the wave of technological modernization that occurs at the national and global level.

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Pros and cons of building a house by the beach

Pros & Cons Build a House on the Beach

It is undeniable that most people have dreams of building a house or sitting by the beach for a long time.

Just waking up from our sleep is served with a beautiful view, fresh air and the sound of waves hitting the beach.

Furthermore, we can walk along the beach while waiting for the sunrise or sunset.

Who does not want such a situation?

This can be proven through the many developments built along the coast. For example, houses, hotels, restaurants and so on.

In fact, many companies are willing to invest a large amount just to enjoy the scenery and gain inner peace.

However, living by the sea is not as easy as it seems. There are many things to know before deciding to reside there.

Therefore, here will be included the pros and cons that you should understand so that you are wise in making a choice.

The benefits of a beach house

Amazing scenery

One of the benefits is the view. A beautiful and calm scene will be able to make our minds and thoughts calm again.

Thus we can see, if someone is suffering or facing problems, they will prefer to spend time on the beach

Fresh air

Apart from the beautiful scenery, we will be able to breathe fresh air.

It is well known that the air quality at the seaside is better, so just by opening the windows we can breathe fresh air, especially if it is summer.

A healthy life

This is said because we can spend time for example playing with children. In fact, we can also participate in outdoor activities held on the beach.

Even if you are not a sports fan, at least you can accompany your children to build sandcastles.

High resale value

Perhaps this is the main reason why people tend to invest in houses by the beach.

This is said to be so because the resale value of a house by the beach will be much higher than a house built elsewhere.

In fact, if you are smart about money management, you can buy and then rent for someone else.

Lack of beach houses

Sand will enter the house

Even if you have cleaned the house many times, for example mopping, vacuuming or wiping the furniture, sand will still be in your house.

This will be a problem because you have to clean it again and again in an extra day when the wind is strong at the beach.

There are many tourists

As we know, the beach is one of the tourist attractions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the beach area will be filled with people when summer arrives.

At the same time, congestion will occur if many people want to spend time at the beach, especially in the evening or on weekends.

High maintenance costs

Environmental humidity and combined with salty sea water will cause erosion that occurs on the exterior and interior of the house.

Therefore, a house by the beach will require more maintenance than a house in other areas.

For example, from the aspect of the walls of the house that need to be painted at least every month and electronic equipment and furniture that need to be wiped regularly to avoid damage.

Unpredictable weather

This situation can be said to be dangerous for anyone who lives near the beach.

This is because we do not know the actual weather conditions even though it has been studied by the meteorology department. However, in the end something happened more than expected.

With such exposure, you will be able to research first before making any decision related to purchasing real estate or making investments around the coast.

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The right way to use a glove that dealers should do

the right way to use a glove that dealers should do

If you are a restaurant owner, you certainly know that the cleanliness of the shop needs to be maintained to ensure that the dishes and cuisine served are clean from all dirt.

Because of this, many traders act to wear gloves because they don't want germs on their hands to stick to food.

It is important for traders to know about hygiene in preparing food even more because food plays an important role in the human body.

However, what is the correct way of using these gloves?

The concept of preparing food

By wearing gloves, it does not guarantee that the food handled is clean.

This is because food handlers often do many tasks at one time, therefore the concept of hygiene is not well maintained.

As an ethical trader, it is important to wash your hands regularly so that the dishes are free from germs.

If you go to a food training class, food handlers will be told to wash their hands often.

The glove is an alternative. But wearing gloves does not allow workers to do everything.

It is understood that if you want to change to another food station, the food operator must change to new gloves.

Gloves should be changed regularly

The individual involved also insisted that the use of gloves should not be prolonged and done in a lot of work.

The use of gloves is not for everyday use and is changed when it is torn, it needs to be changed regularly.

This method needs to be done to produce dishes that are free from any dirt, especially germs that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Traders should wear gloves at an intermittent rate and use only to do one task only.

He said, the real concept that traders need to practice is to wash their hands often instead of wearing gloves every day.

If the restaurant is clean, not only will the merchant be satisfied, but customers will also like to stop by the store.

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How to create a certificate using google form easily

Who always gets tasks such as preparing participation certificates for participants? If so, maybe this is for you.

In the past, this work was said to be a bit tedious because we had to change names one by one, based on the list of names given during registration.

Even so, if all the handwriting on the list of names can still be read and understood. If you are faced with a writing that is a chicken's claw, we have to play a puzzle and just 'main taram' the spelling of the participant's name.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If our guess is wrong, it's a chore to correct the spelling mistakes on the certificate.

Troublesome isn't it? It would be nice if certificates like this could be 'auto generated' by yourself.

Your complaint has now been resolved. This method is in line with the changing current of modernity in data recording.

Through the creation of Google Form, you don't need to print hundreds of papers to be used as questionnaires, registration forms for participants.

In addition to saving paper, you can also obtain an analysis of the collected data in the form of a summary or graph.

Even more fun, you can 'auto generate' a certificate from a Google Form response instantly.

First of all, you need to install the Certify'em add-on on Google Form.

google form 1

Next, you need to activate the add-on in your Google Form settings.

google form 2

You need to set the 'passing' accordingly. If you want to make a certificate for the quiz, maybe the passing needs to be high according to the passing score or not.

google form 3

However, if you only want to create a certificate for registration or participation certificates, the passing can be placed at the lowest level.

After that, go back to the Google Form settings and change the Google Form settings to 'Make this as Quiz' and make other settings as appropriate.

google form 4

Reminder that the certificate will be sent through our inbox, based on the email address we used in the Google Form.

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