These are the 5 benefits of sitting cross-legged on the floor that many people don't know

sitting cross-legged healthy

There are definitely some of you who work but 'stay' in one place for a long period of time, for example people who work in an office who don't move anywhere much except during breaks.

You must feel tired, don't you, doing work in a sitting position only. You must have changed your sitting position many times, such as cross-legged on a chair, cross-legged or so on.

But did you know, in most positions, sitting cross-legged is one of the positions that can benefit your body.

However, make sure that you sit cross-legged in the right way.

Are you more comfortable sitting cross-legged or on a chair? Of course, that's why you chose to read this article to know its benefits, right?

Most of us will spend more time sitting on a chair or sofa, especially for those who work in an office.

In fact, maybe while reading this Hello Doctor article sharing you are also sitting on a chair. But there is no denying that some individuals prefer to sit on the floor cross-legged or cross-legged.

And this habit of sitting cross-legged can be said to be a part of the daily lifestyle for most people, such as when eating.

Like to sit cross-legged on the floor? There are benefits!

However, many may not know, actually this habit of sitting on the floor has its own benefits and benefits.

This practice is said to help increase flexibility and mobility of the body.

This position because it allows you to actively stretch the lower body.

In addition, the habit of crossing, squatting or sitting as if kneeling as in Japanese culture or known as 'seiza' can increase the natural stability of your core muscles.

But, if it's done the wrong way, this way of sitting on the floor can cause pain and discomfort.

This situation will be more likely to occur if an individual already has a problem related to muscle joint pain.

But is this habit really good?

Come on, let's find out what might be the advantages and disadvantages of this practice of sitting on the floor.

Why do you have to sit cross-legged?

Among the advantages of sitting on the floor include:

  • Promotes the natural stability of the self. When sitting cross-legged on the floor without the support of a chair, you need to use your core for balance
  • The problem of tension on the hips will be reduced. The habit of sitting on a chair for long periods of time can cause the hips to feel numb and tense. But when sitting on the floor, you can easily stretch the hip flexors
  • Increase flexibility. Sitting on the floor allows you to stretch your lower body muscles
  • Increased mobility. As you actively stretch certain muscles, movement will improve
  • More muscle activity. Some sitting postures such as kneeling or squatting, are known as active rest positions. This practice requires more muscle activity than just sitting in a chair

Disadvantages of sitting on the floor

Although sitting on the floor may have benefits, if it is done in the wrong way it can lead to problems.

Potential side effects include:

  • Creates excessive or additional pressure on the joint. In some sitting positions, the weight of the upper body burdens the lower limbs. This condition can cause pressure on the knees and ankles
  • Reduce blood circulation. The burden of the upper body can also result in a lack of blood circulation in the lower body
  • Poor posture. Avoid sitting slouching or slouching. Otherwise, you are more likely to experience or worsen posture problems and back pain
  • The practice of sitting cross-legged or cross-legged may worsen existing joint problems. In general, the habit of sitting on the floor is not very suitable for individuals with hip, knee or ankle problems
  • Difficulty getting back up. If you have joint problems, it will also be difficult for you to stand up after crossing the floor

Precautions while sitting cross-legged

To avoid pain or injury, pay attention to your body. Here's what you should pay attention to when sitting:

1. Seiza (kneel)
Sitting in a squatting or kneeling position can put pressure on the knee or ankle joints.

Deep knee bends can also result in irritation of the knee cartilage.

Ideally, change your sitting position on the floor if your lower limbs feel sore or numb.

You can also try sitting on one knee while, one leg is bent to the stomach.

2. Squatting
This sitting position is said to be less stable than other positions because the back is not on the floor.

Therefore it requires more activity and muscle balance. It also involves extreme knee bending.

If you have difficulty with this sitting style, lean against a couch or wall for balance.

You are also advised to change to a position such as sitting cross-legged if you feel pain in your ankles or knees.

3. Sit cross-legged
If done incorrectly, sitting in this position can worsen back pain and poor posture.

Avoid bending your back while sitting in this position. Keep the spine in a neutral position.

Don't forget to make sure your weight is on your hips and not your legs. This will help reduce the stress on your ankle joint.

Always be alert
If you spend a lot of time sitting in a chair, changing the practice to sitting cross-legged may be beneficial.

It can help stretch the muscles in your lower body.

Most importantly, no matter how or where you sit, avoid staying in one position for too long.

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