Fasting Benefits - Improve Health & Wellness | Acme Nutrition

benefits of fasting

Between the advantages of fasting and its benefits

Fasting can have a positive impact on spiritual well-being as well as improve physical health.

The month of fasting helps an individual to lower cholesterol which helps improve cardiovascular health.

It also gradually reduces the risk of developing heart disease such as heart attack or stroke.

The most interesting part, if you continue a healthy diet after the end of the fast, the cholesterol level will decrease and it will make it easier to overcome your addiction.

Addiction is a bad habit that can come in many forms. Fasting is an opportunity to leave (addictions) such as smoking and eating sweet foods and the body will indirectly adapt until the addiction is reduced.

By fasting it also helps in maintaining an ideal body weight and is not like doing an extreme diet.

It means, weight loss will occur at a fast rate but it will also gain dramatically.

But this does not happen when you are fasting. It reduces a person to consume excessive food.

Fasting helps fight depression

Fasting is believed to help fight emotional disorders such as depression.

Throughout fasting, the family will sit together, breaking the fast every night and it has been proven to have a positive impact on mental health.

Fasting can also bring closer relationships with family and friends and help people who suffer from depression and loneliness not to be alone.

Fasting also helps in detoxifying the body naturally.

By fasting, individuals will find the body's metabolism to be better and the body will also absorb a large amount of nutrients.

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Red onions spoil quickly? Easy Tips to Grow Your Own Seeds

Easy Tips to Grow Your Own Shallots


The use of onion in cooking is something important, and there is no denying that the lack of this ingredient will affect the taste of cooked food.

So, the importance of using onions in a variety of dishes is proven. But onions are also not durable materials, so you are not encouraged to buy them in bulk.

Therefore, to curb this problem, in addition to saving you from buying onions regularly, you are introduced to how to grow your own onions for continuous use.

Not only that, onion also has its own importance in cooking. So, you can see the use or benefits of growing shallots.


Follow this guide to grow shallots in an easy way that will give you a rich and plentiful harvest.

First step: prepare a pot with a flannel cloth (a type of soft fabric that easily absorbs water) on the bottom of the pot before the pot is filled with soil medium.

Apart from using vases, plastic cups (translucent) can also be used instead.

If you want to use a plastic cup, make sure to make a hole in the bottom and also put a flannel cloth just like when using a vase. The next step is to wet the soil and clean around the pot.

Moving on to shallots, cut a little off the tip (the top) of the shallots before planting them. For the planting process, make sure you don't plant the whole onion.

There is no doubt that mistakes are always made in this process. Just leave the onion roots in the soil and plant shallots in one pot per onion.

After finishing placing the onions in each pot, move the onions and place them on a'styrofoam box' that has already contained water.

Reminder that it is not recommended to use nutritional water in the initial process of onion root germination.

When do you need to use nutritional water for onion cultivation? You need to use nutritional water when the shallots have grown until the leaves are 10 cm high, which is approximately 1,000 to 1,200 ppm for one plant.

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Nutritional Yeast with 4 Surprising benefits

Nutritional Yeast

Just mention yeast, you must think of yeast to make bread, right? There is no denying that the matter is correct, this is because in making bread, it is like a mandatory thing that needs to be there.

But this time, we will not question the existence of bread yeast in the nutritional world because we already know its benefits or uses in the 'bakery' field.

Know about bread yeast, what about nutritional yeast, do you know it exists? There is no doubt that there are people who have just heard about this yeast for the first time.

So, in sharing this time, this article will bring you closer to the variety of nutrition or goodness that you will get from nutritional yeast. So, don't forget, follow this article to know more.

For those of you who always make cakes or cookies, you must be familiar with the use of yeast. However, have you ever heard of this one type of dry yeast which is nutritional yeast? Did you know that nutritional yeast is not the same way of use as the yeast you usually use.

What is nutritional yeast?

Nutritional yeast or called nutritional yeast, is a type of yeast that has been deactivated and used as a seasoning and food supplement.

One of its most popular uses is as a plant-based substitute for cheese.

Unlike the types of dry yeast commonly used in bread making, nutritional yeast does not cause food to expand or 'rise', but it only serves to add flavor in addition to providing some important nutrients.

This is the nutritional content found in dry or nutritional yeast

For every 16 grams or one and a half tablespoons of nutritional yeast, it contains the following nutritional content:

  • Calori: 60
  • Salt: 30 mg
  • Fat: 0.5 gram
  • Fibers: 3 gram
  • Carbohidrat: 5 gram
  • Protein: 8 gram
  • Sugar: 0 gram

For every one and a half tablespoons of this type of dry yeast, it contains 5 grams of carbohydrates.

Of that amount, 3 grams is fiber content. This yeast provides us with a type of soluble fiber that is beneficial to health, called beta-glucan.

Most of these brands of nutritional yeast are also naturally fat-free.

In addition, most of these yeast products have been fortified with additional B vitamin content.

It also has 1000% of the daily value for vitamin B12 content.

Nutritional yeast also has some calcium, thiamin, iron, and potassium content.

Are there any particular benefits of taking this dry yeast?
In a small amount of servings, this nutritional yeast is very rich in nutrients that help meet nutrient deficiencies in the body and promote more optimal health.

Here 4 are some of the health benefits you can find when taking nutritional yeast:

#1. Supports heart health
Nutritional yeast contains a substance called beta-glucan.

For your information, beta-glucan is a type of carbohydrate found in the cell walls of plants, bacteria and even fungi.

A higher intake of beta-glucan may help promote cardiovascular or heart health.

This includes helping to lower bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol in our body.

In addition, most brands of nutritional yeast also contain potassium which helps lower blood pressure.

This yeast also acts as a low-salt seasoning which is excellent for long-term heart health.

#2. Reduces the natural risk of anemia
When it comes to anemia, the first nutrient that comes to mind is iron.

This is because anemia usually occurs due to a lack of iron in the body.

However, insufficient folate or vitamin B12 can also cause anemia.

Most of these dry yeast brands have been fortified with B12, and can provide over 500% of the daily value per serving.

Because B12 is water soluble, it is unlikely to cause toxicity even when taken in high doses through food.

Individuals who practice a vegetarian diet usually experience a deficiency of this vitamin.

Therefore, the intake of nutritional yeast can serve as the main source of B12 for their body.

#3. Avoid constipation
Fiber is very important, but there are still many individuals who suffer from a lack of daily fiber intake.

The recommended intake of fiber should be at least 25 to 35 grams per day.

Just so you know, fiber regulates bowel movements by drawing water into the colon and adding bulk and softness to stool.

Nutritional yeast provides as much as 3 grams of fiber for the consumption of 16 grams of yeast.

Therefore, taking this type of yeast can help you achieve the amount of fiber needed by the body every day.

#4. May promote the function of the body's immune system
Although more research is needed, some studies show beta-glucan derived from yeast has acted as an immune booster.

Researchers attribute this positive effect to the fermentation activity of beta-glucan bacteria in the gut.

In addition, beta-glucan is also seen to stimulate the activity of important immune system cells such as macrophages.

Animal studies have also shown the potential ability of beta-glucan in complementing the immune system to fight anthrax infection.

Where can you get this type of dry yeast?
It may not be sold in regular grocery stores.

However, you can go to shops that sell organic food items or vegetarian food.

In addition, you can also get it through online grocery shopping and delivery services.

For an easier way, you can continue to get it through an online shopping application with a wider selection of brands.

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This is an easy way to straighten the ends of a carpet that flaps

Almost every house must have a carpet as a decoration to further enhance the interior space of the house. Typically, this carpet or rug is spread in the living room or in the bedroom.

Even so, many of us must be aware that at the end of the corner of the carpet often flaps. Especially if the carpet has been stored (rolled) for a long time before wanting to use it again.

Of course this problem arises and it always disturbs the minds of mothers at home. Not to mention, the flapping carpet issue can invite danger to others.

People passing by are at risk of tripping and being injured by the raised end of the carpet.

Although some carpets are still in good condition, sometimes some of them are stuck and take the approach of buying a new carpet.

There is actually an easy way to solve this problem and there is no need to waste money on buying a new carpet.

The necessary equipment is a wet cloth and an iron.

Follows this tips:

1. Take a wet or damp cloth, place it on the top of the folded corner of the carpet.


2. Heat the iron, and rub the corners of the carpet on the wet cloth lined as usual.

3. After rubbing the area for some time, lift the damp cloth and see that the corner of the carpet is straight again as usual.

Why Can't You Rub It Directly?

The reason why the carpet cannot be rubbed directly by the iron is because it can cause the surface of the carpet to 'melt' and stick to the surface of the iron.

function two holes on the side of converse shoes



Choosing the right shoes can provide an interesting experience for the wearer without experiencing any problems such as sore feet and chafed skin.

The selection of shoes is very important especially when you want to go on a trip or do activities that require you to move a lot.

If you choose the wrong one, your travel experience may not be interesting due to pain or discomfort.

Speaking of shoes, Converse brand shoes fans must have noticed and seen the existence of two holes on the side of the brand shoes.

But what is the use of the two holes? Just placed as a fashion or is there another reason?

Two main uses of the holes on the side of the shoes

In the beginning, Converse shoes were known as shoes for basketball. So those extra holes actually work for ventilation that allows the player's feet to breathe.

As many shoe wearers know, if you walk a lot, your feet can get hot and sweaty.

The holes can help circulate air as you move and prevent your feet from overheating and smelling.

Accordingly, the ventilation holes are claimed to help and prevent your feet from sweating while walking or doing strenuous activities.

The second use for the hole is more creative, designed to get you thinking about tying your shoelaces.

Mango Planting Tips - How to Grow Mangoes | Green Thumb Gardening

How to Grow Mangoes Green Thumb Gardening

Mango or mangifera indica is the fruit that people are most interested in because of its delicious orange-yellow color that is mixed with a sweet and sour taste when put in the mouth.

This tropical fruit is also very suitable for growing in hot weather at a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius up to 30 degrees Celsius.

But not many have succeeded in getting a good plant when planting the fruit. It requires appropriate techniques in addition to planting in an area that follows the specified pH.

Tips to get a lot of mangoes

There are some plants that need good fertilizer in order for the plant to bear heavy fruit or grow well.

No detailed fertilizer is used but only practices a method known from his son to get abundant fruit, by following the way of western people.

Use used oil, plant around trees

Apply oil around the mango tree by digging a hole around the tree.

All the farmers have to do is to use the used oil and pour it in the hole dug earlier to get a good result.

The cooking oil must not be used again, whether it is the oil used for frying anchovies or frying chicken livers and so on.

The oil should be poured two or three feet from the trunk of the tree.

The results shown are very satisfying because the fruit will grow thickly in addition to its sweet taste.

By following that method, the fruit will bear fruit from one branch to another and not on one tree.

If the branch breaks when the fruit is not yet ripe, people can make it into a kerabu dish.

Sprinkle coarse salt

When the plant begins to bear heavy fruit, there must be some fruit that is not perfect, i.e. the inside has fruit caterpillars.

No need to worry, the material needed to remove the caterpillar is coarse salt.

The coarse salt should be sprinkled around, which is two or three feet from the trunk of the tree.

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how to know if a sent email has been read or not

how to know if a sent email has been read or not

Have you ever had your email message not answered by some parties? Wait and wait, no response from the recipient of the message.

This term is called 'Ghosting'.

Usually, people who practice 'ghosting' have read your message, but do not give any response on purpose.

Unlike those who overlook it because they are busy or receive a lot of orders, the situation is understandable.

So, if we message him again, it is likely that the party in question will respond and apologize for having overlooked the previous message.

Apart from messaging applications, this 'ghosting' reality is also encountered in the professional world.

It will be difficult for us to know the real situation, if some parties do not respond to the email.

For example, job applicants cannot know the status of their application, if the Human Resources Division does not provide feedback.

Here are the ways:

1. Visit '' on your Google Chrome, or you can click on this link -

2. Click on the 'Install for Free' option.

3. Then, click on the 'Add to Chrome' option and click again on the 'Add extension' section.

4.- After installing the extension on Chrome, you can continue to connect the extension with your email.

With this, you can make sure that the e-mail sent has been read by the recipient or not. Even your boss can know, if you have read his email or vice versa.

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