Nutritional Yeast with 4 Surprising benefits

Nutritional Yeast

Just mention yeast, you must think of yeast to make bread, right? There is no denying that the matter is correct, this is because in making bread, it is like a mandatory thing that needs to be there.

But this time, we will not question the existence of bread yeast in the nutritional world because we already know its benefits or uses in the 'bakery' field.

Know about bread yeast, what about nutritional yeast, do you know it exists? There is no doubt that there are people who have just heard about this yeast for the first time.

So, in sharing this time, this article will bring you closer to the variety of nutrition or goodness that you will get from nutritional yeast. So, don't forget, follow this article to know more.

For those of you who always make cakes or cookies, you must be familiar with the use of yeast. However, have you ever heard of this one type of dry yeast which is nutritional yeast? Did you know that nutritional yeast is not the same way of use as the yeast you usually use.

What is nutritional yeast?

Nutritional yeast or called nutritional yeast, is a type of yeast that has been deactivated and used as a seasoning and food supplement.

One of its most popular uses is as a plant-based substitute for cheese.

Unlike the types of dry yeast commonly used in bread making, nutritional yeast does not cause food to expand or 'rise', but it only serves to add flavor in addition to providing some important nutrients.

This is the nutritional content found in dry or nutritional yeast

For every 16 grams or one and a half tablespoons of nutritional yeast, it contains the following nutritional content:

  • Calori: 60
  • Salt: 30 mg
  • Fat: 0.5 gram
  • Fibers: 3 gram
  • Carbohidrat: 5 gram
  • Protein: 8 gram
  • Sugar: 0 gram

For every one and a half tablespoons of this type of dry yeast, it contains 5 grams of carbohydrates.

Of that amount, 3 grams is fiber content. This yeast provides us with a type of soluble fiber that is beneficial to health, called beta-glucan.

Most of these brands of nutritional yeast are also naturally fat-free.

In addition, most of these yeast products have been fortified with additional B vitamin content.

It also has 1000% of the daily value for vitamin B12 content.

Nutritional yeast also has some calcium, thiamin, iron, and potassium content.

Are there any particular benefits of taking this dry yeast?
In a small amount of servings, this nutritional yeast is very rich in nutrients that help meet nutrient deficiencies in the body and promote more optimal health.

Here 4 are some of the health benefits you can find when taking nutritional yeast:

#1. Supports heart health
Nutritional yeast contains a substance called beta-glucan.

For your information, beta-glucan is a type of carbohydrate found in the cell walls of plants, bacteria and even fungi.

A higher intake of beta-glucan may help promote cardiovascular or heart health.

This includes helping to lower bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol in our body.

In addition, most brands of nutritional yeast also contain potassium which helps lower blood pressure.

This yeast also acts as a low-salt seasoning which is excellent for long-term heart health.

#2. Reduces the natural risk of anemia
When it comes to anemia, the first nutrient that comes to mind is iron.

This is because anemia usually occurs due to a lack of iron in the body.

However, insufficient folate or vitamin B12 can also cause anemia.

Most of these dry yeast brands have been fortified with B12, and can provide over 500% of the daily value per serving.

Because B12 is water soluble, it is unlikely to cause toxicity even when taken in high doses through food.

Individuals who practice a vegetarian diet usually experience a deficiency of this vitamin.

Therefore, the intake of nutritional yeast can serve as the main source of B12 for their body.

#3. Avoid constipation
Fiber is very important, but there are still many individuals who suffer from a lack of daily fiber intake.

The recommended intake of fiber should be at least 25 to 35 grams per day.

Just so you know, fiber regulates bowel movements by drawing water into the colon and adding bulk and softness to stool.

Nutritional yeast provides as much as 3 grams of fiber for the consumption of 16 grams of yeast.

Therefore, taking this type of yeast can help you achieve the amount of fiber needed by the body every day.

#4. May promote the function of the body's immune system
Although more research is needed, some studies show beta-glucan derived from yeast has acted as an immune booster.

Researchers attribute this positive effect to the fermentation activity of beta-glucan bacteria in the gut.

In addition, beta-glucan is also seen to stimulate the activity of important immune system cells such as macrophages.

Animal studies have also shown the potential ability of beta-glucan in complementing the immune system to fight anthrax infection.

Where can you get this type of dry yeast?
It may not be sold in regular grocery stores.

However, you can go to shops that sell organic food items or vegetarian food.

In addition, you can also get it through online grocery shopping and delivery services.

For an easier way, you can continue to get it through an online shopping application with a wider selection of brands.

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