Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Not All Perfumes Last Long, Know These Five Different Codes Before Buying

Perfume is a type of product that has always attracted people's interest since ancient times. It is also considered to represent the personality or describe the skills of the person.

Until now, we can see various brands of perfume sold in the market both locally and globally.

In the world of fragrance, the selection of perfume is very important because it can give confidence in living life. Generally, perfume oil contains perfume essence level, alcohol level and also water.

Furthermore, each perfume sold in stores or online has a different code for example Parfum, Eau de Parfum (EDP), Eau de Toilette (EDT), Eau de Cologne (EDC) and Eau Fraiche (EF).

So what is the meaning behind all the code above? In fact, each code above means the concentration level of the perfume. The concentration of the fragrance is very important in determining how long the scent will last on the skin.

Therefore, for those who are looking for a perfume that suits them, it is encouraged to know the meaning behind the type of fragrance first.

For that, let's follow the meaning behind the five fragrance codes below.

Five Perfume Codes

Generally, in the world of fragrance there are five types of codes consisting of Parfum, Eau de Parfum (EDP), Eau de Toilette (EDT), Eau de Cologne (EDC) and Eau Fraiche (EF).

Each of these fragrance codes is very different in terms of the concentration level of the perfume in the bottle. Therefore, it is the level of concentration that will determine whether the performance of the perfume can last for a long time or not.

Parfum, Eau de Parfum (EDP), Eau de Toilette (EDT), Eau de Cologne (EDC) and Eau Fraiche (EF)


Perfume Code

Parfum has the highest level of fragrance concentration. Usually, Parfum type perfume oil contains concentration levels from 15 percent to 40 percent but usually it is between 20 percent to 30 percent in most perfume oils.

In addition, it also has a scent that can last from eight hours and above.

Generally, Parfum has a much higher or expensive price value compared to all types of fragrances due to its concentration level. For those with sensitive skin, it is recommended to use a perfume that has a lower fragrance concentration level so as not to dry the skin.

Eau de Parfum (EDP)

Perfume Code

Eau de Parfum or better known as EDP is the second highest type of perfume after Parfum. Generally, EDP has a fragrance concentration level between 15 percent to 20 percent.

Due to the relatively high level of fragrance concentration, this type of perfume can last for eight to 10 hours.

For information, EDP is one of the most common types of fragrances and is suitable for daily wear.

Eau de Toilette (EDT)

Perfume Code

Next, Eau de Toilette or EDT occupies the third chart in perfume concentration containing five percent to 15 percent. The term eau de toilette comes from the French term "faire sa toilette" which means getting ready.

In terms of durability. EDT is much inferior to EDP type perfumes by recording the scent for six to eight hours on the skin depending on the ingredients used.

If compared to EDP, this perfume is cheaper and one of the most popular.

Eau de Cologne (EDC)

Perfume Code

As for Eau de Colagne or EDC, it is one type of perfume oil that has a much lower concentration rate than the average of other perfumes.

This is because EDC only has a concentration of fragrance between two percent and four percent. EDCs usually come in much larger bottles or containers.

Plus, it only lasts for two hours on your skin.

Therefore, it requires a higher spray rate to use on yourself.

Eau Fraiche (EF)

Perfume Code

The last type of fragrance is known as Eau fraiche or called EF. This type of money oil only contains one to three percent in its form.

Although it does not have a high rate of perfume oil, it also does not use a lot of alcohol, instead it is water.

Therefore, this type of fragrance only has a scent durability of two hours.

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